Monday, September 6, 2010


*Adelita, Mexican Revolutionary



This month, students will continue their study of Latin American countries and research historical figures in honor of Latino Heritage Month. The children will participate in various art projects and activities that incorporate color recognition (mixing primary colors to obtain secondary colors), visual art mediums and artist, as well as introduce new vocabulary associated with Latino art history and culture.

In an effort to increase Spanish language proficiency, PPLA will return to its second language acquisition and teaching model of 90% Spanish and 10% English. Both classrooms (las semillitas y las calabazitas) will participate in AM/PM circle time, art time and in the enrichment program, which will reflect 10% English language development. The goal of the 90% Spanish and 10% English instructional model will allow for a more comprehensive and enrichment learning environment in that students will become proficiency in Spanish at a faster rate (for both native Spanish speakers and native English speakers) and all the while preparing student for Kindergarten. To learn more about the various models in bilingual education by clicking on this link

Students will discuss and observe the diversity of plant life, as well as to grow an indoor classroom plant! The children will nurture the plant and conduct weekly observations as reflected in their drawing and writing assignments. The children will discuss changes in weather patterns, plant growth and the need for warmer clothing in preparation for the start of the fall season.

Students will celebrate grandparent’s day and will participate in the weekly storytelling theater activity and dress up Friday!


Week of September 6--- Introduce plant life unit: student will grow a bean plant indoors and use the scientific method (new Science vocabulary introduced), observations will be conducted daily: drawings and writing assignments (
*Nn, #1, Green, Triangular Prism, la arte

Week of September 13---Learning about photosynthesis: Without enough sunlight, plants cannot use the process of photosynthesis to produce food. To prove that fact, students should select a tree leaf or the leaf of a houseplant. Cover part of that leaf (up to half of it) with a piece of cardboard or foil. Wait at least a few days, then remove the cardboard or foil. What happened? What does that prove? (
*Oo, #2, Clover, Cube, la temporada

(For complete details and follow-up questions, check the Photosynthesis Activity from Newton's Apple. The activity includes a student activity page.), color recognition and mixing, explore art tools and methods
~For the details of this experiment

Week of September 20--- Introduce seasons and Fall Equinox: Why are there seasons? What is the weather like during the different seasons? When you go to bed in the summer, is it light or dark outside? When you go to bed in the winter, is it light or dark outside? Gather a globe, a flashlight, and a few other common materials to set up an activity that will demonstrate that seasons exist because of the tilt of Earth and its impact on the intensity of the sunlight at a given location, drawing/writing assignment,
*Pp, #3, Olive, Rectangular Prism, el otoƱo

*SPECIAL SHOW AND TELL FRIDAY: students bring a photograph of abuela/abuelo for show and tell in honor of Grandparents Day, students will decorate “worry not stones” and write a letter of appreciation (!

Week of September 28--- Learning about historical figures in Latin America and geography: Africa and Native culture in Latin America, map reading and coloring project
*Qq, #4, Jade, Cylinder, la planta


The following standards have been incorporated in the development of student activities and in daily interaction with school children, parents and staff.

*for a detailed description of each standard, please refer to the booklet on California Preschool Learning Foundations, Volume 1, 2008. You may download the booklet at no charge by visiting The booklet was also sent to your email account as an attachment in the fall of 2008.

Language and Literacy Development

Listening and Speaking
-Language Use and Conventions, 1.0
-Vocabulary, 2.0
-Grammar, 3.0

-Concepts about Print, 1.0
-Alphabetic and Word/Print Recognition, 3.0
-Comprehension and Analysis of Age-Appropriate Text, 4.0
-Literacy Interest and Response, 5.0

-Writing Strategies, 1.0

Social- Emotional Development
-all sections

-all sections


A. Soccer Shots will be returning to PPLA starting on Wednesday September 22 at 3:30pm (tentative date and time). The class will be held in our outdoor space limited to children 2-5 years old and will run for 10 weeks. The cost for the session is $120.00—checks should be made out to soccer shots. There will be a demonstration of the program on Wednesday, September 15 at 3:30pm (tentative date and time).

B. PPLA has changed the premise to Friday’s drama class, but instead the children will participate in a weekly storytelling theater class. The children will dissect the characters and plot to a story, in which students will act out their favorite character, setting and/or dilemma. In addition, the children will participate in dress up Friday and show and tell.


1. GOT BABYSITTER? If you would like to spend quality time with your partner and are in need of a highly qualified child care provider at an affordable price—no fear, PPLA is here!

PPLA is now offering PARENT’S NIGHT OUT! On the third Friday of each month, PPLA will extend its operational hours of child care from 5:30pm-9:30pm. There is an hourly child care rate of $12.00 per child that is due at the end of the night. We ask that parents sign up for their desired date and must use at least three hours of the extended child care. If you would like to enroll you child, please place your child’s name on the enrollment form, which is posted on the parent’s bulletin board. The children will enjoy eating pizza and playing games, as well as watching a children’s movie with their PPLA friends!

*There will be a $2.00/minute late fee when picking up after 9:30pm and with accordance to PPLA’s clock.
**We ask that your child bring PJ’s, toothbrush and slippers for bed time preparation.

2. For safety purposes, we ask that children not wear flip flops and other open toe shoes (with lack of foot support) to school. We ask that your child bring comfortable shoes without shoe laces, as toddler/preschool children are on average not developmentally capable of manipulating shoe laces. Thank you for your support.

3. We ask that parents take their child’s linens home to wash on Friday of each week. This will allow for providing a germ free environment. Thank you!

4. We ask that your child carry a labeled lunch box to school and store inside the kitchen, and on his/her assigned hook. Children who bring food to school will be given an additional hook to store their lunch box daily.

5. If PPLA will be administering herbal and non-herbal medicine to your child, please write down directions inside the student observation log and remember to turn in a medicine administration form (place inside Maestra’s mail pocket). All medicines should be placed inside the kitchen and on top of the food counter (preferably on top of the microwave). Your medicine should be labeled with your child’s name.
*We ask that parents administer the first dose of medicine at home, before school hours.

6. During sunny days, we ask that child arrive to school with applied sunscreen, in order to protect the children from the sun rays.

7. In order to keep a safe atmosphere for our students we ask that only adults handle doors and light switches at all times. As a precaution measure we ask that parents maintain all school doors and gates closed at all times. In addition, we ask parents, relatives and visitors to leave shoes and large personal items on the front porch area (strollers may be stored on the side of the school house). All hand bags (purses) must be hung on front door hooks or placed behind the child safety gate at the foot of the staircase. We ask that parents leave their shoes in the front porch (inside the pot). Thank you for your continued support!

8. *We ask that parents sign in and out daily—parents will place the time or arrival and departure, as well as initial the student observation log (SOL). This is a great way to learn about your child’s school experience!

9. In an effort to further improve communication and social skills, the children may participate in the daily show and tell session during AM/PM circle time. If your child is a Part Time and Full Time student, he/she may bring an item from home for show and tell.

The item may only be used during show and tell and will be placed inside your child’s art project shelf or cubby after show and tell. We understand that children are very excited to show and tell about their favorite toys and are willing to share with their peers. As a result we ask that children leave all noise making toys at home, if they are not participating in their show and tell session. PPLA is not responsible for lost and/or damaged personal item from home.

10. In an effort to improve the environment of our school and maintain a competitive Teachers Assistant salary, as well as provide professional development opportunities, PPLA will be increasing monthly tuition fees in the near future. Effective September 1, 2010, PPLA will be increasing monthly tuition fees for both P-T and F-T care. To view an updated tuition fee schedule, log on to the school blog and read the postings under the date, December 16, 2009. Thank you.

11. In an effort to enhance the communication system between our families and school, we would l.ike to encourage parents to comment on school activities, policy and procedure by using the anonymous suggestion envelope. The envelope is located in the school hallway and posted on the parent bulletin board. In addition, feel free to comment on the blogged photographs. Thank you for your time and continued support!

12. Starting on Friday, August 13, 2010, the children will participate in dramatic weekly activities in correlation with “drama Fridays (i.e. crazy hair day, bring your costume to school day, pj day, wear your clothes backwards day, face paint day, etc.).” Adults are welcome to participate!

13. As requested by parents, we have developed a detailed school year calendar for parents. Please check the school blog for the updated school calendar.

Wish List
*An asterisk has been placed next to the item (s) in most need.

We are asking for parent assistance in maintaining a stimulating school experience for our children. Due to our limited funds, we are asking parents to donate what they can from the list of items below. We appreciate your commitment to the program and value your support and understanding in these harsh economic times. Thank you!

1. Outdoor large sea animals
2. *Outdoor storage shed
3. Indoor costumes and rack
4. *Indoor mirrors
5. *Classroom wall mounted shelves for organizing of art materials, etc.
6. *Multicultural dolls
7. *Imaginative play furniture—, washer and dryer, cash register, phones,
cooking accessories, etc.
8. 3 Classroom storage outdoor baskets/containers (for outdoor classrooms)
9. Building blocks (large wooden, bristle, etc.)
10. *Indoor play house/play structure (for Toddler classroom)
12. 2 tires and chains for student swings (to be mounted on trees)
13. Outdoor floor mats


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