Welcome to PPLA! The purpose of the parent handbook is to provide detailed daycare and preschool policy and procedure to parents and their families. We ask that you review the content of this handbook, so that we may work collectively in providing the best child care for your child.
**Parent/Guardian Provisions:
Please provide the following labeled items (child’s name in permanent marker) for your child, in a soft and cubby sized bag with zipper (for security purposes):
• 2 changes of outer clothes, 2 changes of under clothes, bathing suit and/or swimming wear (if needed)
• 2 weeks supply of jarred baby food, cereal, rice, soy, almond milk/formula (if needed, not included in the tuition)
• Weekly supply of diapers and wipes (if needed)
• Soft soled shoes or non slip socks for indoors (if needed)
• Outdoors hat, light jacket & outdoor shoes (with ample foot support and to remain at PPLA)
• Large crib or adult-sized sheet, large blanket, soft comforting toy/item (if needed), and family pictures (if needed)
• *Student naptime mat will be supplied by the parents (Lakeshore Teacher Store in San Leandro sells mats for $25-$40)
~Please check your student’s cubby daily for wet clothing and sleeping materials, etc.
Illness Policy:
A. Charges for a child’s absence due to illness will be 100% of your tuition rate for the first week of absence, 50% of your tuition rate for subsequent weeks with doctor’s note.
B. The parent(s)/guardian agree to notify the provider of a child’s illness or suspect illness and make other arrangements. The provider may refuse to accept the child and/or require the parent(s)/guardian to pick up the child immediately if the following symptoms are present:
• Auxiliary temperature in excess of 100 degrees without assistance of fever reducing medicine
• Diarrhea (more than one abnormally loose stool within 24-hr period)
• Abnormal behavior or appearance (usually tired, pale, unusual lack of appetite, confused or unusually irritable)
• Pink eye
• Unexplained or contagious rashes
• Unusual vomiting (if he/she was vomiting the night before, the child must remain at home for the next 24 hrs. before returning to PPLA)
• Suspected contagious illness on any kind
C. If your child becomes ill when attending PPLA, parent(s)/guardian will be contacted immediately and asked to pick up the child as soon as possible (the child will be separated from the group of children to avoid contamination).
D. Ill children may return to PPLA after:
• There has been no fever, vomiting, diarrhea or severe coughing for 24 hours
• 24 hours after beginning antibiotics with a doctor’s note of approval
E. If my children become extremely sick, I will either close down PPLA & provide alternative care elsewhere, or PPLA will remain open and a lead teacher will continue instruction in my place.
F. In the event that the provider should become ill or subject to an emergency, the provider will make every reasonable attempt to provide service. In the event that the provider is unable to provide service, alternative service may be provided. In the event that the provider is unable to provide service or an alternative, fees will be waived.
Parent Participation:
Parents are required to participate in at least four field trips per academic year (INCLUDING SUMMER PROGRAM FIELD TRIPS) and occasional school functions. Parents might be asked to assist with school activities, maintenance and/or other assistance when needed (summer program nature walks and field trips). PPLA will only be successful if parents and the community come together to nurture and empowerment our children. It takes an entire village to raise a child!
Drop-Off/Pick-Up Policy and Procedure:
A. Children must always be brought into the classroom by a parent or other authorized adult and check-in with the teacher. Never leave your child unattended during drop-off. For safety reasons, please walk your child into the classroom and keep the front door closed at all times. Please inform the teacher of any medication or special circumstances that may affect your child during the day (e.g. poor night’s sleep, upsetting event at home). A child who appears to staff to show signs of illness may be excluded from class and will have to be taken home immediately. Please note that SMOKING and PETS (other than future classroom pets and show and tell) are never allowed on the premises.
B.*We encourage you to arrive a few minutes early each morning in order to spend a few minutes in the classroom with your child before you leave for the day (you may read a book, put together a puzzle, etc.). This makes the morning drop-off transition from home to school much easier for everyone, especially the child. Transitions are very important for children who are learning daily structure and how to follow school procedures. Late drop-off and pick-up may cause your child to be confused, possibly stressed and it does not demonstrate healthy procedure and structure.
C.*Children are expected to arrive by 9:00am in order to participate in the organized learning activities, and so we can get accurate count for lunch and snacks. If your child will be late or absent, please notify the school before 9:00am, by calling 409-9771. This allows us to accurately plan for meals and staffing. If your child will be out for a long period of time (e.g. vacation or illness) you should notify the lead teacher.
D. We encourage parents to read a short book to their child during drop-off each morning (if not doing so already). Not only will this important activity support a smoother morning transition for your child, but you will also experience additional bonding time, while all in the same, promoting literacy development. Thank you.
E. We encourage parents to assist their 3 or 4 year old student to trace her/his name during drop-off, each morning with the help of a parent. Student sign-in sheets will be set up on center table. This is a great way to further bond with your child before going to work, as well as fine tune motor and writing/literacy skills in preparation for Kindergarten.
F. Please use our child’s school backpack (or another small container/pillow case) to store clothing daily. In addition, take the time to organize your child’s belongings and clear out dirty clothing daily. Mold may grow on clothing and sleeping materials left in school overnight and may be a health hazard to the children. Thank you.
G. Due to limited storage space and in an effort to organize school items, we would like for student outdoor shoes and jackets to be stored inside the kitchen area. Each child has a jacket hook with his/her name and shoe rack space for shoe storage. During drop off parents are encouraged to bring their child into the kitchen to store their belongings. And during pick-up parents may pick-up their child’s belongings from the kitchen storage area. Thank you for your help.
H. PPLA closes at 5:30pm, in order to meet the working schedule needs of our families. However, not all parents need care until 5:30pm, M-F, and have signed up for a specific pick-up time (and drop-off time) during the enrollment meeting.
I. It is imperative that your child be dropped off and picked up, according to your committed time frame (see student enrollment agreement for designated drop-off and pick-up time), due to staffing work schedule, facility insurance, and most importantly, Alameda county family child care licensing regulations.
PPLA staff has commitments of their own and are not paid for overtime. We encourage you to think of 4:45pm as pick up time (as most children have a pick-up time of 5:00pm). This allows a more relaxed end of the day transition for your child and you may check in with teachers about your child’s day. Take a few minutes during pick-up to greet your child, check-in with teachers, look over your child’s work for the day (if any) and gather your child’s belongings.
F. We have suggestions for avoiding this problem altogether. Parents can talk with other parents who pick up their children at the same time and set up an arrangement to cover for one another in cases of unexpected delays. If you feel that you might create chronic lateness, you should communicate with the Program Director, who may offer other suggestions.
G. If you know you are going to be late, please call or email PPLA at 510-409-9771, You may want to arrange for someone on your emergency card to pick up your child. Children will not be released to anyone under the age of 18. Remember to keep your emergency form up to date!
H. Parents will give PPLA at least 24-hour notice if someone besides parent(s)/guardian will be picking up their child. If child is not picked up by the end of the day, a person from the emergency contact form will be contacted and asked to pick up your child.
I. Anyone who is not known by the staff will be asked to show a valid Driver’s License or other photo identification. Persons not authorized by you on your child’s emergency form will not be allowed to take your child from the school. Children will not be released to anyone who is suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol or who may be considered a danger to the child. Those parents who have custody issues should consult with an attorney regarding legal protection for their child. Parents must provide us with any court orders so that we can call the police to enforce their legal rights should the need arise.
~Due to school insurance and child care licensing regulations, children, parents and visitors may not be on the premises before 7:30am and after 6:00pm. Thank you for your cooperation and continued support!
Late Pick-Up Policy:
Late pick-up affects the children in negative ways, making them feel abandoned, lonely, and confused about the situation. A calm transition between PPLA and home maintains the child’s sense of well-being. A rushed or late pick-up does not allow these young children to adjust easily to changes in their environment. In addition, teachers have families of their own to attend to, have other commitments, or simply want to go home on time. Parents who pick up their children later than scheduled create difficulties for others in the program.
We have suggestions for avoiding this problem in the first place. Parents can talk with other parents who pick up their children at the same time at the academy, and set an arrangement to cover for one another in cases of unexpected delay. If you feel that you might create chronic lateness, you should talk with the Program Director, who may offer other suggestions.
We suggest that you arrive to pick up your child fifteen minutes before the end of your scheduled contract hours. This allows you time to greet your child, perhaps chat with teachers, read the student enrollment log, and gather your child’s belongings and leave the Academy. For example, you would arrive at 4:45p.m for a 5:00 p.m. pick-up time.
If you know you are going to be late, please call PPLA at 510-409-9771. You may want to arrange for someone on your emergency card to pick up your child. Children will not be released to anyone under the age of 18. Remember to keep your emergency form up to date!
Parents will give PPLA at least 24-hour notice if someone besides parent(s)/guardian will be picking up their child. If child is not picked up by the end of the day, a person from the emergency contact form will be contacted and asked to pick up your child.
There is a late pick-up fee of 2$ per minute according to PPLAs’ clock and payment is due with your monthly tuition payment.
*Three late pickups in 6 months may result in termination of child care.
PPLA Holidays and Breaks:
Below is a list of paid holidays & breaks during which PPLA will be closed. Parents should make other child care arrangements. The client pays for four weeks of care, no matter how many days in a given month of service & if your child is enrolled P-T or F-T. These additional days of care are banked by PPLA during winter, Spring & Summer breaks. If you are in need of alternative care, please inform the director for further details.
MLK Birthday (1/18/2010)
President’s Day (2/15/2010)
Cesar Chavez Day (3/29/2010)
Spring Break (4/5/2010-4/6/2010)
Memorial Day (5/31/2010)
Independence Day (7/5/2010)
Summer Break (7/19/2010-7/30/2010)
First Day of New School year (August 2, 2010)
Labor Day (9/6/2010)
Indigenous Day (10/11/2010)
Veteran’s Day (11/12/2010)
Thanksgiving Break (11/24/2010-11/26/2010)
Winter Break (12/20/2010-12/31/2010
*dates may vary each year and additional breaks/holidays may be added
Illness Policy:
G. Charges for a child’s absence due to illness will be 100% of your tuition rate for the first week of absence, 50% of your tuition rate for subsequent weeks with doctor’s note.
H. The parent(s)/guardian agree to notify the provider of a child’s illness or suspect illness and make other arrangements. The provider may refuse to accept the child and/or require the parent(s)/guardian to pick up the child immediately if the following symptoms are present:
• Auxiliary temperature in excess of 100 degrees without assistance of fever reducing medicine
• Diarrhea (more than one abnormally loose stool within 24-hr period)
• Abnormal behavior or appearance (usually tired, pale, unusual lack of appetite, confused or unusually irritable)
• Pink eye
• Unexplained or contagious rashes
• Unusual vomiting (if he/she was vomiting the night before, the child must remain at home for the next 24 hrs. before returning to PPLA)
• Suspected contagious illness on any kind
I. If your child becomes ill when attending PPLA, parent(s)/guardian will be contacted immediately and asked to pick up the child as soon as possible (the child will be separated from the group of children to avoid contamination).
J. Ill children may return to PPLA after:
• There has been no fever, vomiting, diarrhea or severe coughing for 24 hours
• 24 hours after beginning antibiotics with a doctor’s note of approval
K. If my children become extremely sick, I will either close down PPLA & provide alternative care elsewhere, or PPLA will remain open and a lead teacher will continue instruction in my place.
L. In the event that the provider should become ill or subject to an emergency, the provider will make every reasonable attempt to provide service. In the event that the provider is unable to provide service, alternative service may be provided. In the event that the provider is unable to provide service or an alternative, fees will be waived.
Parent/Guardian Provisions:
Please provide the following labeled items (child’s name in permanent marker) for your child in a soft and bag with zipper:
• 2 changes of outer clothes, 2 changes of under clothes, swimming wear (if needed)
• 2 weeks supply of jarred baby food, cereal, rice, soy, almond milk/formula (if needed, not included in the tuition)
• Weekly supply of diapers and wipes (if needed)
• Soft soled shoes or non slip socks for indoors (if needed)
• Outdoors hat, light jacket & outdoor shoes (with ample foot support and to remain at PPLA, if needed)
• Crib sheet, or Full/Twin sheet, large blanket, small pillow, soft comforting toy/item (if needed), and family pictures (if needed)
• *Student naptime mat must be supplied by parents (Lakeshore Teacher Store in San Leandro sells for $25-$40)
• ~Please check your student’s cubby daily for wet clothing and sleeping materials, etc.
Parent Participation Policy:
Parents are required to participate in at least four field trips per academic year, summer program field trips and occasional school functions. Parents might be asked to assist with school activities, maintenance and/or other assistance when needed. PPLA will only be successful if parents and the community come together to nurture and empowerment our children. It takes an entire village to raise a child!
PPLA Parents are required to attend all four field trips within the school year. Parents will need to RSVP as soon as possible and no later than 72 hours before the trip. Parents must notify PPLA of child care needs before (if applicable) and/or after the field trip—students are welcome to return to daycare/preschool after the field trip. The children will continue their daily daycare/preschool schedule with napping, art project, outdoor play and meal plan.
The Parent Participation field trip program was developed with the purpose of building strong relationships among PPLA families and staff. These events are intended to provide networking opportunities and strengthen communal ties within the PPLA family. In addition, students will further expand their development meanwhile having lots of fun with mom and dad!
We ask that parents assist with carpooling and supervision of PPLA children before, during and after the field trip (to transport back to PPLA). PPLA does not guarantee the participation of every child in the field trip without a parent chaperon. However, PPLA will do the very best to assure that no child is left behind.
PPLA will have sufficient PPLA staff and parents for children supervision. Parents are required to bring an AM snack and lunch for their child. If parent does not attend the field trip, a car seat is needed to transport your child. PPLA will pay for field trip venue fees initially, but parents will reimburse PPLA during monthly tuition payment. Parents are responsible for parking and bridge toll fee (if any), etc.
Mandated Child Abuse Reporter:
As a licensed Family Day Care, Pumpkin Patch Learning Academy is mandated to report any signs of child abuse by state law. Child abuse is defined as an injury or a pattern of injuries to a child that non accidental. Child abuse is damage to a child for which there is no other logical reason or explanation. Furthermore, we are mandated to hold a child if a parent/guardian comes to pick up a child under the influence of drugs or alcohol, which may inhibit their ability to drive safely or care for a child. In this case, we will contact an authorized person to pick up the child.
Damage to PPLA Property:
Parents will be held financially accountable for any property damage caused by their child (i.e. broken window, screen, broken furniture, etc.) other than normal wear and tear.
Transitional Days of Care:
Depending on the previous child care experience of your child and days of care with PPLA, we ask that parents participate in 1-2 weeks of transitional care. Transitional time equates to additional bonding time for parents and their child, during in which the parents may explain PPLA norms and daily schedule. Transitional time is essential for incoming children, in that they gain a sense of security and comfort before the parent leaves for the day.
On the first two days of care, we ask that parents accompany their child in the first hour of morning care (8:30am-9:30am). We ask that the first day of care be a short day (8:30am-1:00pm), in order for the child to comfortably assimilate to his/her new school environment. The child will expand his/her attendance on the second day of care to half a day and to a full day of care on the third day of attendance.
*PPLA will send a classroom book home with the child. The book will contain a photograph of each child attending PPLA, along with a photograph of staff. This is a great way of familiarizing the child with his/her new friends and teachers.
Personal Items:
PPLA serves snacks to students accordingly, so please do not bring outside food into PPLA.
*There is absolutely no gum and candy of any kind allowed on school grounds. We appreciate your dedication in maintaining a clean and safe environment for our children. Thank you.
*We ask that children not bring toys, books and other items from home to school, unless they are relative to the weekly show and tell session of your child.
*Hard toys are not allowed during nap time, only a soft comforting toy will be allowed during nap time. Toys that are scary, promote violence (weapons), and/or make noise are not allowed on school grounds at any time.
Please label all of your toys and home items, so that we may locate them in the event that they may get lost. PPLA is not responsible for lost or damaged personal items.
Dual Spanish/English Immersion Program:
1. In an effort to improve the quality of our second language acquisition program (Spanish Immersion) PPLA will implement a different model of bilingual education. Effective immediately we will no longer follow a 90% Spanish Immersion teaching model, but rather integrate a Dual Immersion program (or Two-Way language immersion) in both the Toddler (1/2 years old) and Preschool (3/4 year old) classrooms.
The Dual Immersion bilingual education model would allow for one Teachers Assistant to only communicate in the English language, meanwhile the second instructor will only communicate in the Spanish language throughout the entire day. The morning circle time and art activity will be lead in English, meanwhile the afternoon enrichment classes (a variation of AM circle time with a specific theme; Science Ed./Cooking, Yoga, World Dance and Music Appreciation ) will be taught in Spanish only.
Not only will our native English speakers be on their way towards bilingualism, but so will our native Spanish speakers. The educational goal is to create a stimulating learning environment, in which the language development needs of both native English speakers and English language learners (ELL) are met equally and effectively.
To learn more about the various models in bilingual education by clicking on the link, .
Children Evaluations and Parent Conferences:
Effectively immediately, PPLA will no longer conduct formal student evaluations for children under the age of 3 years old. Children ages 1 and 2 (Toddlers) have a significant catching up to do in their development, in which case there is no true value in conducting a formal children evaluation.
PPLA’s Toddler classroom (1/2 years old) and will be closely monitored for any learning deficiencies due to a possible learning disability, physical disability, etc. If the director of PPLA believes there is a concern in the development a child, a parent meeting will be conducted immediately to discuss a plan of action for the child.
On the other hand, preschoolers (3/4 year olds) need extensive preparation for Kindergarten and may need to be challenged even more (advanced students) or given modified instruction to catch up in their development. Research demonstrates that child development is most rapid and important during the age of 0-5. This is a small window of time to stimulate the production of new brain neurons in preparation for benchmarked reading, writing and social-emotional development.
M. Student evaluations take place twice per academic school year. This is a perfect opportunity to discuss any developmental and academic bench marks for your child. The evaluations are typically conducted in the months of October and April. PPLA will only evaluate children 3 and 4 years old.
*see blogged monthly theme schedule for parent conferences dates
Food Program Policy:
N. In an effort to maintain a healthy environment and fair policy for all families, we ask that children with special diets (lactose intolerant, vegetarian, allergies, etc,) bring snacks, meals and milk from home. PPLA will no longer supply students with Rice, Soy or Almond milk. This policy will take effect starting January 4, 2010. We ask that you bring in food and beverages inside a lunch pail/box –please label with child’s name on the exterior. Thank you for your support.
*There is absolutely no gum and candy of any kind allowed on school grounds. We appreciate your dedication in maintaining a clean and safe environment for our children. Thank you.
Medicine Administration Policy:
P. PPLA will be implementing a new Medical Administration Authorization school policy starting on January 4, 2009. If your child is under any prescribed medication in which PPLA staff will administer, we ask that you fill out a Medical Administration Authorization form and turn in to School Mail pocket (Maestra’s new mail pocket). This form will be emailed to each parent and may be printed as needed from your home. The form must be on file before starting medicine administration. Refrigerated medicines will be placed inside designated (labeled) area inside school refrigerator. If you medicine does not require refrigeration, medicines will be stored inside the labeled medicine cabinet inside kitchen. All prescribed medicines must be labeled with their child’s name, as well as directions.
Daily Show and Tell:
1. We ask that parents sign in and out daily—parents will place the time or arrival and departure, as well as initial the student observation log.
2. In an effort to further improve communication and social skills, the children may participate in the weekly show and tell session during PM circle time. If your child is a Part Time and Full Time student, he/she may bring an item from home for show and tell. Your child may only participate one day per week and parents must notify teachers of the item before leaving to work. In addition, parents must sign up their child in order to participate in show and tell. The sign-up sheet will be placed on the parent’s bulletin board this week.
The item may only be used during show and tell and will be placed inside your child’s art project shelf or cubby after show and tell. We understand that children are very excited to show and tell about their favorite toys and are willing to share with their peers. As a result we ask that children leave all toys at home, if they are not participating in their show and tell session. PPLA is not responsible for lost and/or damaged personal item from home.
Student Discipline:
If your child demonstrates aggressive behavior that can cause bodily injury (hitting, biting, pushing, etc.) to others, he/she will be discipline accord to PPLA’s discipline plan:
1. Two warnings, with parent notification
2. Parent meeting & prevention discipline plan to be discussed
3. Suspension from PPLA for half day
4. Suspension from PPLA for one day
5. Suspension from PPLA for two days or more
6. Expulsion from PPLA
Other Safety Regulations:
1. In order to keep a safe atmosphere for our students we ask that only adults handle doors and light switches at all times. As a precaution measure we ask that parents maintain all school doors and gates closed at all times. In addition, we ask parents, relatives and visitors to leave shoes and large personal items on the front porch area (strollers may be stored on the side of the school house). All hand bags (purses) must be hung on front door hooks or placed behind the child safety gate at the foot of the staircase. Thank you for your continued support!
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